Galway Choral Association, in conjunction with visitors from Ulm in Germany, is presenting a spring concert, featuring Schubert’s Mass no. 2 in G major D. 167.
Under the leadership of musical director Norman Duffy, the choir will be accompanied by organist Dr Ramin Haghjoo of Maoin Cheoil na Gaillimhe. Dr. Haghjoo has also been resident organist and choir director in the Augustinian Church since September 2015. Soloists include Matthew Harrison who has worked with the choir on many occasions.
Musical director,
Julian Habryka |
Also performing is German choir Chor Levantate Ulm. Under the direction of Julian Habryka, they will perform a selection from Brahms “Fuenf Gesaenge” and other classical and traditional pieces.
“This will be a delightful evening” says Carol Duffy, Chairperson of the Galway Choral Association. ”Schubert’s Mass is a favourite of choirs all over the world, and has a great tempo and energy about it. And we’re so pleased that Chor Levantate Ulm, from south-west Germany, have included Galway on their tour of Ireland and chosen to sing with us.
“This will be a varied concert,” says musical director Norman Duffy. “D 167 is Schubert’s 2nd Mass, and it includes some of his most approachable and attractive choral writing. The work has six movements, progressing quickly from the Kyrie and Gloria through the Agnus Dei in just over 20 minutes. This has given us the time to explore a range of other pieces from very different genres as well. The two choirs will jointly perform a number of pieces at the end of the concert which should make for a spectacular sound.
Chor Levantate Ulm, is a 60-voice mixed choir which was founded in 1984, They have performed a wide range of works, and in 2015 they performed Karl Jenkins work “The Peacemakers” in Carnegie Hall, New York. They are currently touring Ireland, with other performances in Dundalk and Dungarvan.
Concert details
The concert is being held at
8pm on Saturday 21st May, in St. Nicholas’ Collegiate Church, Lombard St. Tickets are €15 (€12 concession) and are available from Opus II on High St, Phone 091-500300, or from choir members.